Tuesday 19 October 2010

let's get more personal then...

this week's assignment is (hopefully) going to be more fun. I'd like you to write about the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT that you have experienced this year (could be happy/sad/funny/emmbarrasing/depressing-anything that really rocked your world). what happened? how did it happen? what events led to it? how did you feel at that moment and afterwards? what were the consequences/ results and influences of this event on your life, yourself, your personality? be as sincere and detailed as you can! hope you can do it by this sunday also ;)


  1. i have one experience.. i was in United State of America on this summer that state is New York. it was awesome. While i was in NY, i was very happy and excited. This is because i met a lot of friends and i visit excessive places such as The Statue of Liberty , Empire State Building, National of Historic museum, White House and so on. However, i never forget The ESB because it also is awesome. It is 102 floors :) the view is magnificent top of ESB. Furthermore, i had a good opportunity to improve my english in particular speaking and listening. Now i am in Turkey because i had to come back an account of my university... However, i never forget this summer..

  2. thanks a lot for sharing this with us Doğan! it must have been some experience to be in such a cosmopolitan city. please do continue sharing:)

    the others? no memories ?
