Thursday 28 October 2010

4-day break :)

i know you are tired and all, and hope these 4 days will do you good :) however, do not forget to at least take a look at the pages on "comparison/contrast" essay (booklet), as we have little time before the next writing quiz, in which you will be asked to write this kind of essay.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

let's get more personal then...

this week's assignment is (hopefully) going to be more fun. I'd like you to write about the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT that you have experienced this year (could be happy/sad/funny/emmbarrasing/depressing-anything that really rocked your world). what happened? how did it happen? what events led to it? how did you feel at that moment and afterwards? what were the consequences/ results and influences of this event on your life, yourself, your personality? be as sincere and detailed as you can! hope you can do it by this sunday also ;)

just wanted to remind you...(you can also search for the videos concerning obesity with the name "obesity epidemic1&2&3")

Monday 11 October 2010

it is the box you can see to the left of this page. visit this website, as there is a lot to learn and REMEMBER. (especially about grammar)
more subject-verb agreement practice here for you. just click the links:

Saturday 9 October 2010

let me remind you of the basic rules of a good summary..

1- The aim: through summarising, you develop a READING SKILL, i.e. to come up with the main ideas in a text and organise them. You are not always going to be asked to summarise a WHOLE text, but just PART of it. So, always read the instruction carefully! It will also help you a lot to answer some reading exam questions like "What are the differences between X and Y?" or "Summarise the events in X's life after he finished school" etc.

2- What you should do first is to scan the text and meanwhile note down the main ideas. (these are usually found in the first sentence (i.e. topic sentence) of the paragraphs. (Attention: main idea occasionally can be found WITHIN the paragraph & a paragraph can also include MORE THAN ONE MAIN IDEA, so be careful!)

3- Leave out the details, unnecessary examples, repetitions and personal comments.

4- Introduce the subject with topic sentence ( whatever the summary is about). The following sentences will be your supporting details.

5- All the while be economical: give the MAXIMUM meaning with MINIMUM words.

6- Use your OWN words.

7- Use necessary connectors/ transitions. ( Fistly/ Secondly/ Next/ because etc. -depending on the atmosphere of the summary)

8- Remember your summary should be in the form of a PARAGRAPH !!! Not a list!

9- Lastly, know that, you will most probably come across a summary question in the first reading pop quiz. However, summary skill is going to help you throughout the term in your reading classes. It will help you to analyse a text, find the necessary info and removing irrelevant ideas when answering reading questions.